2014 FAAMA App QR Code

14746 views   |   Designed by: Bruce  |   11-09-2014
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2014 FAAMA App QR Code

2014 FAAMA App QR Code description:

The FAA Managers Association presents the 2014 "Managing the Skies Expo" as they celebrate their 34th Annual Gathering of Eagles. The event will focus on how the FAA Managers Association and its members will manage current and future ATM challenges of sequestration, privatization and NextGen "To Infinity and Beyond." This event is considered by FAA Managers everywhere as one of the most important aviation events of the year. FAA Managers, Association Leaders and managers representing 50 regional chapters within 9 regions of the country convene together as active delegates at their national "Managing the Skies Expo" to improve management skills, conduct FAAMA business, discuss pressing FAA issues, exchange ideas and network. FAA Industry Business Leaders and FAA Contractual Providers participate in the 4 Day event with presentations, educational seminars, networking opportunities and an Exhibit Hall featuring the latest in FAA aviation industry services, infrastructure products, simulations, safety and communications technology.

Related: 2014 FAAMA App QR Code, sample qr code, qr code poster
