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Make Your Custom Mobile Page!

Design your Very Own Mobile Page!

When creating a QR Code, the overwhelming majority choose to direct their scanners to a URL where they can display an array of options for their customers or clients such as detailed company or product descriptions, contact details, location and so on. If you don’t have an appropriate mobile-friendly website that’s already been constructed and designed, Visualead has the perfect solution for you – few classic mobile page templates just waiting for your creative touch.

mobile page templates 

Each mobile page template is specifically designed for mobile devices with large, clear writing and several popular press-able button options to give your customers and clients the enjoyable mobile browsing experience that they deserve.  Every option in each of our templates is completely editable through rich text editing, allowing you to design your mobile website exactly the way you’ve always imagined that it should look like. This is perfect option for small businesses and free-lancers as you are actually editing existing mobile page templates so that you can skip all the hard work of building a website from scratch. Editing our mobile templates is incredibly simple and an appealing, colorful and usable mobile page can be created in a couple of minutes.

When editing your mobile page template, don’t put a lid on your creativity because the options are truly endless! Use our rich text editor to add in your relevant text in any desired color, size or font. To build your very own Mobile Page Choose the Rich Text option on Visualead's Visual QR Code generator, or click here. For your convenience, choose a Template by clicking on the templates links.

Easy Do-It-Yourself Editor

The editor is very easy to use and you can add links, images, tables, bullets and lists – anything you want! Press the “add link” button in the toolbar in order to link to another anchor in the text, to a URL or even to open a “compose email” option. You can also choose to set a target such a pop-up window or use advanced editing options to give a sophisticated edge to your mobile page template. Make sure to personalize the button options by editing their text and the links that they lead to. To edit the buttons, all you have to do is right-click on the button, choose edit link and select the desired link type. If you want to create more buttons, simply copy-paste the existing button. Don’t forget to add your relevant links to the Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Email options at the bottom of your template or delete them if they aren’t necessary.

In short, our mobile page templates are a great alternative for anyone who doesn’t have a ready-made mobile-friendly website and they are especially easy to edit and design with our rich text editor. Let your playful side out and create your dream mobile page today!
