Darwin Aldridge Community Academy QR Code

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Darwin Aldridge Community Academy QR Code

Darwin Aldridge Community Academy QR Code description:

The Structure of the Qualification: Assessment GCSE Media Studies (completed in year 9 and 10 on the 2 year GCSE option). Unit 2: internal assessment (50%) comprising two assignments and a group practical production, engaging with the Media Concepts of Media Language, Representation, Audience, and Institution. Unit 1: external controlled test (50%). The test paper is pre-released to students in advance of the actual test date, allowing students to prepare responses on the prescribed area of media focus. The media topic changes each year. GCSE Film Studies (completed in Year 11 on the 2 year GCSE programme). Unit 1: external assessment (50%) comprising: Paper 1 exploring film (30%); and Paper 2 exploring film outside Hollywood (20%). Unit 2: internal assessment (50%) comprising 4 pieces of work on film theory and production.

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